Guangxi Fusui Shengli Glue Co., Ltd.

Guangxd Fusul Shenal Glue Co.. Ltd. was founded In2014 and covars an area of 200 acres, lt ls located In thebeautful Greentown Alrport Industrlal Park, Shanwel Town,Fu County, Chongzuo City, Guangd.
Fusui Shengli Giue Co., Ltd. has two branches:
1. The annual output of the glue factory is 30,000 tons;
2.The annual output of the tannin extract factory ls10,000 tons, rankdng the forefront af China's tannin extractindustry.
The company mainly produces a series of products:
1.The products of the glue factory includeurea-formaldehyde glue(EOE,E2),phenolic resin gluepowder,pherolic glue,foor substrate glue, white latex5011 glue, building putty powder glue and other adhesivesenes.
2. The tannin extract factory mainly produces leathertanning agents,tanninfunctional feed additivesdesulfurizing agants for ore dressing symbols, and metalanticorrosion products. The products inciude black wattlatannin extract, baybarry extract, Yugan extract, Ma ZhanAcacia exract,rubber bowiextract,axtract anditsmodification. Modified products include BA light-coloradtannin axract and black wattle tannin exiract. Tanninextract products sell well in domastic and foreign tanningmarkets,Russia and Southeast Asian counbies. Thacompany insists on relying on science and technology fordevelopmant,and tecompanyhasstongproducdevelopmant capabilities. At presant, the company'sself-daveloped producis include black wattle tannin extract,BA liaht calor axtact, atc. The parfomance of the productshes reached the international advanced lavel.
The businessphllosophyofthe companylsIntegriy-based, craating value for customers, Increasingwealth for the sodiety, creating opportunitles for employees,and bringing benefts to the enterprise". Guangxd FusulShengll Glue Co., Ltd. is wlllng to cooperata wtth frlends athome and abroad and all walks of llfe to create a botterfuture.


Company Was Founded On

200 Acres

Floor Space


Annual production of glue factory

10000 Tons

Tannin extract factory annual production



Select raw materials, control quality from the source!


Superior Performance

The quality inspection department strictly monitors each production link


Quality Service

Professional customer service team, one-to-one butler-style order production follow-up
